Our track offers brand new fleet of karts – for kids and adults

Suitable for children aged 7-14.
Track record: 01:12:230
Cubage: 160cc
Available karts: 8
Top speed 50 км/ч

270 CC
The kart that will give you the biggest dose of adrenaline. Minimal height: 140cm.
Track record: 01:01:826
Cubage: 270cc
Available karts: 12
Top speed: 80 км/ч
Perfect for families with little children (at least 4 years of age).
The driver has to be at least 18 years of age while the passenger has to be at least 1 meter tall and above the age of 4.
Track record: 01:15:015
Cubage: 270cc
Available karts: 2
Top speed: 60 км/ч